International volunteer assistance to sustainable development projects

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  • Vegetable oil manufacturing expert for Benin

Applicant: 2 SMEs in Benin

 The 1st, created in 2015, has 8 permanent employees + around 30 temporary staff, and is located in Glazoué (250 km north of Cotonou). It already manufactures cottonseed and soybean oil. Project: improve production process to meet market needs.

Expertise required in vegetable oil refining to satisfy their market.

The 2nd plant, set up in 1984, has 10 permanent employees + around twenty temps, and is located in Comé (70 km west of Cotonou). It manufactures crude palm oil. Project: convert crude vegetable oil into edible oil.

Expertise required: technical assistance in edible oil refining

  • Cosmetics manufacturing consultancy for 5 SMEs in Morocco

 Are you a retired or early-retired cosmetics executive willing to transfer your skills on a voluntary basis to developing or emerging countries?

Come and join the Association des Volontaires experts (AVe) : AVexperts - Home
Our association will be offering several cosmetics manufacturing consultancy assignments for 5 SMEs in Morocco.
Details of the SMEs: 
The SMEs all have experience in cosmetics manufacturing. They are located in different parts of Morocco: Rabat - Fez - Tangier - close to Agadir and Casablanca.
The requests are specific to each SME. Most revolve around the following questions:
  • How to meet customer needs?
  • How to increase production capacity?
  • How to get the best quality/price ratio?
  • How to develop a brand?
Volunteers will be provided with the precise requirements of each SME.
The mission will consist of visiting each SME in Morocco for around ten days, and then writing a report setting out the advice needed to implement the SME manager's project, taking into account the company's situation. 
A mission agreement will be drawn up for each SME. You agree to volunteer for this mission (unpaid). The cost of travel to Morocco will be fully covered.
 If you have one of these profiles and are interested in one of these missions, please get in touch with the AVe contact below.

AVe contact: Louis Jestin 06 88 50 37 23 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.







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